with HOPPER,
5 inch diameter,
bulk solids metering system...
A SCHENK ACCU-RATE 1200 series "Tuf-Flex" mass flow hopper is designed to handle virtually any dry particulate material, fine powders, granules, flakes, fibers, chips & pellets, without packing or bridging. The flexible vinyl chamber is externally massaged for continuous even flow of uniform material. Applications include food, pharmaceutical, chemical, plastics and more.
- Manufacturer rated for +/- 0.5% to 3.0% accuracy - depending on materials & flow rate.
36 inch square by 26 inch deep tapered stainless steel hopper.
- Variable speed control.
- 220 volt single phase electrical input.
As of this writing, this volumetric feeder is in stock at ALARD, in EXCELLENT condition and available for immediate shipment.
CALL 315-589-4511 to confirm availability and discuss your industrial food processing equipment needs.
ALARD item reference #: Y5712