60 gallon Groen, 40psi,
stainless steel vessel...
A 60 gallon Groen 40psi direct steam 2/3 jacketed stationary cooking kettle, food grade, stainless steel vessel, on a painted steel tripod frame.
32 inch diameter by 30 inch deep hemispherical bottom stainless steel vessel with a 1.5 inch center bottom outlet.
- Manufacturer stamped for 40psi working pressure.
- Painted steel three-legged support frame set for a 36 inch infeed height.
As of this writing, this 60 gallon capacity steam kettle in in stock at Alard, pressure tested and in very good operational condition, available for immediate shipment.
CALL 315-589-4511 to confirm availability, and to discuss your particular industrial food process cooking eqiupment needs.
Alard item reference #: Y2320