A running list of things we've acquired or found available for sale by Alard Equipment Corporation; used food processing and packaging equipment.

Alard Equipment Corporation, 6483 Lake Avenue, Williamson, New York 14589, 315-589-4511 (phone), 315-589-3871 (fax)

See our full General Listings page

Grove Dale FliteFeeder 2-stage TROUGH-BELT FEEDER, Y4634

Dual-stage TROUGH BELT FEED CONVEYOR, 7.5 feet long...


Grove Dale FLITEFEEDER Model TB62L TROUGH BELT FEEDER. A two-stage trough belt for increasing spacing between food products to feed downstream equipment in an industrial food processing environment. Also known as a speed-up belt. Ideal as a feeder belt for Urschel cutting machines such as the Urschel OV, OC, and / or Urschel VSC segment cutter; et al. Especially well suited for elongated products such as pickles / cucumbers, carrots, celery, zuccini, okra, rhubarb, pepperoni sausage, and other fruit and vegetable items 4 inches or less in diameter. Similar to a Magnuson speedup belt model FF trough-conveyor belt product separator and feed belt.


  • Side-by-side belts in V-trough configuration, in two sections one-after-the-other, specifically to keep product aligned and centered while increasing spacing between products as they are fed to a cutter or other packaging or processing machine:

    • y4634a_crop_email.jpg1st V-belt section / stage is 62 inches long.

    • 2nd V-belts stage / section is 48 inches long.

    • This V-belt feed conveyor is 7 feet 7 inches long from end to end.

  • Tubular stainless steel pedestal legs with 4 inch threaded rod adjustable feet.

  • Food grade sanitary stainless steel construction.

  • SEW (Eurodrive) .75 HP 208 / 230 / 460 volt 3 phase constant speed drive motor.

As of this writing, this speedup belt is in stock at Alard, in EXCELLENT condition, available for timely shipment.

CALL 315-589-4511 to confirm availability, and to discuss your particular industrial food food process feed conveyor need.

Alard item reference #:Y4634

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Michael C. Shults, Alard Equipment Corp published on February 25, 2021 5:49 PM.

Alard water-jet fruit and vegetable WASHER, Y4262 was the previous entry in this blog.

Urschel M6 DICER, demo video dicing ham. Y4639 is the next entry in this blog.

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